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Ikea Punk, 2009


Ikea Punk


Ikea Punk

Date: September 2009
Location: Beddington Farm Road, Croydon
Ikea Punk turned up in Croydon (Beddington Farm Road) in September 2009. As per usual now, no official confirmation but once again, there are signs that this is from the Bristol Bomber. For one, the “punk” is quite similar to the one seen at the recent Banksy vs. Bristol Museum exhibit. The detailing of the stenciling is extremely impressive…
Ikea Punk depicts some kind of a punk who purchased some graffiti kit from Ikea and is trying to make sense out of it.
Banksy added a caption: “We can’t do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles. In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves.”
Ikea apparently found it to be a good idea, so they reordered their letters and , using Banksy’s style, they stenciled images of people and animals over their billboards, that were displayed on subways, to add “a warm touch to” or “humanize” their ads that feature nothing but their products. This is a part of the campaign, ‘People bring Design to Life’.
